
General Practice

Wellness Exam

  • Puppies
  • Kittens
  • Adult Animals
  • Senior Animals


​We recommend the core vaccines of Canine Distemper 4 Way and Rabies for dogs, and Feline Distemper 3 Way and Rabies for cats. Also, there are optional vaccines that we offer which can be given depending on the lifestyle of your pet. These can be discussed at the time of the appointment to determine what is best for your pet.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is a parasite transferred to your pet through mosquito bites. These parasites can severly and sometimes fatally damage the heart, lungs and blood vessels. We recommend all dogs to be on a heartworm preventative every month for the duration of their life. Heartworm is most often associated with dogs, but cats are also susceptible. Therefore, there are options for preventatives for cats as well, which we are happy to discuss in your pet’s Wellness Exam. This disease is much easier and more cost effective to prevent than to treat, as treatment can be toxic, painful and expensive. While many animals do recover, it’s a difficult process that we would rather avoid, by encouraging our clients to follow the simple preventative recommendations.

Flea Prevention and Control

Fleas can cause problems for pets ranging from minor to life-threatening. Not only can these parasites cause severe itching, irritation, and allergies, but they can also transmit tapeworms and diseases. Fleas can infest dogs, cats, ferrets, mice, and rats; and fleas don’t just stay on pets – they can bite people, too. CVC can provide you with safe, effective flea prevention and if necessary, flea treatment.

Tick Prevention

Ticks are becoming more and more prevalent in North America, being found in areas where people and pets didn’t previously encounter ticks. These parasites aren’t just a nuisance; they can cause serious (and sometimes deadly) diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and tick paralysis. The best method for keeping ticks off your pet is by keeping your dog or cat on a tick preventive. Tick preventives are safe and highly effective at controlling ticks and the diseases they carry. No need to panic if you find a tick on your dog or cat. In addition to tick preventatives, we carry tick removers, which are a helpful tool to have if a tick is embedded in your pet’s skin.

Behavioral Consulting

Behavioral consultations are included in all Wellness Exams. If you’re concerned about or bothered by an aspect of your pet’s behavior, we are here to help. Many aggressive, fearful or inappropriate behaviors in dogs and cats can be modified through a combination of desensitization and counter-conditioning, and sometimes, medication. These techniques can have dramatic results when applied properly. When necessary, we have recommendations of trainers and behaviorists for you to contact.

Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy can be used to help treat or prevent a variety of health conditions in pets, including allergies, chronic disease and anxiety. We offer a line of high quality, whole food nutritional supplements for our clients who are interested in this course of treatment or prevention. For those interested in therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic therapy, we can offer referrals for you to contact.

Microchip Pet Identification

Micro-chipping is a safe, permanent way to identify your pet in case he or she becomes lost. A microchip, which is a tiny device about the size and shape of a grain of rice, is placed just under the loose skin at the back of the neck. When a lost dog or cat without an ID tag is found, a veterinarian or veterinary technician will use a handheld microchip scanner to check for a chip. If the pet has one, it will transmit its ID number to the scanner via a low-frequency radio wave. The veterinary hospital or shelter then calls the chip manufacturer, retrieves the pet owner’s contact information, and calls the owner. We recommend that you use a microchip, along with a collar and ID tag, to identify your pet. An ID tag is still a reliable identification method. Pets that have tags with current contact information are more likely to not end up in shelters and tend to get home faster than those without tags. However, collars and ID tags aren’t permanent and can be removed (overnight or for grooming); pets can also lose them. With a microchip, your pet will have a much better chance of being identified and returned to you. Microchips are a quick, non-invasive (no sedation necessary!), inexpensive and lifelong way to ensure your connection to your pet.

Local Anesthesia

If your pet is having a minor surgical or diagnostic procedure performed, we sometimes use a local anesthetic to help control pain. For example, when we perform a biopsy (in which a small portion of tissue is surgically removed so it can be examined), we often use a local anesthetic. Local anesthetics cause a loss of sensation in the area where the procedure is being performed. We sometimes use a sedative and/or anxiolytic (anti-anxiety medication) in combination with the local anesthetic to keep pets calm during a procedure. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your pet receiving local anesthesia or about the procedure for which your pet is scheduled.


Our veterinarians have plenty of experience with many different aspects of dermatology, dealing with everything from growths on the skin to allergies to auto-immune skin disease. Schedule an appointment to have your pet assessed if you have any concerns.


CVC provides many services in the field of ophthalmology. We treat a variety of conditions associated with the eye, including pink eye, scratches of the cornea, and glaucoma.


Endocrinology encompasses the hormone producing organs in a body such as the pancreas, thyroid and adrenal ga]lands. Diseases associated with the endocrine system include diabetes, hyper- and hpyo-thyroidism, and diseases resulting in over- or under-active adrenal glands. CVC is equipped to diagnose and treat your pets for any of these types of conditions.


The word “euthanasia” means “good death.” The decision to euthanize a pet is never easy, even if it allows your pet to pass with peace and dignity. We are here with love and compassion to help the process go as smoothly as possible for you and your furry family member.

Knowing when the time is right can be a difficult choice. The main concern should always be your pet’s quality of life. Your veterinarian can help you determine whether you think your pet is ready to let go. We also have resources listed below to help support your decision.

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